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1975 slofnáhračka Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 2.1.2021 (00:04:54)
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1975 slofnáhračka
20.12. 2020 9:14:19
tušymže... nevlastnelolek malfmanéžydákybent avopýtalsaho:
"zahráte ktorúsklatbu?
takbudeto jestrdejvotbýtls.
takmusýmepreložyť jestrdej tojefčera, že? takžepánofja... joeštenešzačnetehrať, teťmňanapadá takáslofnáhračka:
krajina, gdejestrdej znamenázajtra."
1975 word toy
I suspect that ... no, in fact, Lolek had a group in the arena and asked her:
"which song will you play?
so it will be yesterday from the beatles.
so we have to translate yesterday it's yesterday, right? so gentlemen ... yeah, before you start playing, now I come up with such a word toy:
a country where yesterday means tomorrow."