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1957 dnesnič Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 15.12.2020 (00:45:22)
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1957 dnesnič
2.12. 2020 7:49:47
dnesnemóžem ničspysovať, pretožesuset ušasypólhodinyvrtádosdi atomarušý.
stálevrtá abušý...
...atakybalenspýšem mójvoblúbenýftip:
ydešykofný shlúpym vovlaku amajúpretsebú dlhúcestu. abyjýmto lapšjeutekalo, takšykofnýpovedá:
"pozeraj, budeme sydávaťháďanky. aabytobolozaujúmavé, tak keťjatidámháďanku a tyjuneuhodneš, dašmakorunačku akeťto budevobrátene, damtistouku. takjazačnem, dobrepočúvaj!
máto4nohy a sedísanatom. čotoje?"
hlúpy párstanicpremýšla apotompofje:
"nefjem, tunámaškorunačku. ačotobolo?
stolička. tak, terasty."
hlúpyzasa párstanicpremýšla apotompofje:
"keťjetohore, máto4nohy akeťjetodole, máto3nohy. čotoje?"
teraszasachvýlu rosmýšlašykofný apotem sadápodať:
"čovečenefjem, tunámašstokorunačku ačotoje?
nefjem, tunámaškorunu."
1957 nothing today
today I can't write anything, because the neighbor has been drilling into the wall for about half an hour and that is interrupting me.
still drilling and pounding ...
... so I'll just write my favorite joke:
He goes handy with a dumb train and they have a long way to go. to make it easier for them, so clever he says:
"Look, we're going to have puzzles. And to make it interesting, if I give you a puzzle and you don't guess it, you give me a crown and if it's the other way around, I'll give you a hundred. So I'll start, listen carefully!
it has 4 legs and sits on it. what is it?"
stupid couple of stations thought about and then says:
"I don't know, you got a crown. And what was that?
chair. so, now you. "
stupid thought a few stations again and then says:
"when it's up, it's 4 feet and when it's down, it's 3 feet. what is it?"
now she thinks clever for a while and then you can serve:
"Man, I don't know, you have a hundred crowns, and what is it?
I don't know, you got a crown."