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1922 čaulydi, buďtepozytýfny Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 10.11.2020 (00:28:50)
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1922 čaulydi, buďtepozytýfny
28.10. 2020 7:47:47
fčéramablekhumorom pobavylpremyjér "bestofkovyt", keťfpravydelnej, nedelnejpríhovoreknárodu fskázal:
"čaulydi, nezúfajte, buďtepozytýfny. spolutosvládneme!"
domnijévamsatotiš, žemuto ešteteňtúšdeň, anišbyofšemchcela, dákatatisícoukasplnila.
1922 Hi people, be positive
yesterday, the Prime Minister "best of covid" amused me with black humor, when in a regular, Sunday speech to the nation he said:
"Hi people, don't despair, be positive. We can do it together!"
I suppose that the same day, without wanting to, the thousand had fulfilled him.