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1920 fteplycachžyjú lapšýljuďja Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 8.11.2020 (00:44:12)
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1920 fteplycachžyjú lapšýljuďja
26.10. 2020 6:24:26
fšdysombol, myslymsyžesom aďalejbudem teplyckýpátryjot. ešteušftedy, kedysomštudovalfprahe, taksom fpyfnychšaflovačkách spražáckymakamarátmy, alezároveňtieš ajmajstramysveta, kopalzateplyce. fteplycachžyjútotiš lapšýljuďja. šjelsomsafčéravyšpryntovať nadúbrafku apretdákymdomom ubrankysomsastretol spánom, čosachystal ýsťnabycykly. taksomsaho, snaťjahnutýmaprackama ktemubycyklyspýtal:
"dobrýdeňpane, jaydem špryntovaťnadúbrafku - móžemsypožyčať vašbycykle, abysomtambolrýchlejšyje? nehámvamjejdole utejštartofnejtabule.
no, dobre."
anaozajmahoponúkol. taksomvrelopoďakoval stým, žetobolybalen znamenitýžart ašjelsom ďalejpešo.
takčovynato - pražácy?
1920 better people live in Teplice
I have always been, I think I am and will continue to be a Teplice patriot. even when I was studying in Prague, I was digging for beer in beer saffroners with my Prague friends, but also world champions. better people live in Teplice. I went to sprint for doubravka yesterday and in front of a house by the gate I met a gentleman who was about to go on a bicycle. so I asked him, with outstretched clasps, about it:
"Hello sir, I'm going to sprint for an oak grove - can I borrow your bike to be there faster? I'll leave it down at that starting board.
well, OK."
and he really offered it to me. so I warmly thanked me with the fact that it was just a great joke and I kept walking.
last letters:
so what about you - the people of Prague?