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1908 ažebolatosvyňa Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 27.10.2020 (00:16:41)
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1908 ažebolatosvyňa
14.10. 2020 7:44:47
yšlysmesmártym navobedovačku cesparkjuldyfuldy. amyslym, žeaninemusym sáhodlllhospysovať, žesanalavyčke roscapovalydvecygánskerómky, pretožedruhá povedalatejprvej:
"ažebolatosvyňa tižeknu!"
potemsmlllkla apočkalanasprejsť, takže akáskutočnásvyňa tobola, smesanedovedely.
1908 and that it was a pig
Marty and I went to lunch across the park julda fulda. and I don't think I even have to write for a long time that two gypsy Roma were trapped on the bench, because the second said to the first:
"And that it was a bitch I'll tell you!"
last letters:
then she paused and waited for us to pass, so we didn't know what the real pig was.