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1895 tmajetamstále Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 14.10.2020 (00:38:20)
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1895 tmajetamstále
1.10. 2020 3:33:33
dnestichcemspýsať, žemafčerapobavylavotpoveď myrkahorníčka, ktorásatiešpáčyla jyrkovysuchýmu aktorúmyrekpovedal niekedyfhovoroch há nadotazovačku spublykovačky:
"kamsapodejetma, keťsa rosfjéti?"
"tmajetamstále, lenženiejevyďjéť."
1895 the darkness is still there
today I want to write to you that yesterday I was amused by the answer of mirka horčka, who also liked jirka dry and which mirek said sometimes in his calls to a question from the audience:
"Where does darkness go when it lights up?"
and mirek replied:
"The darkness is still there, but it's not visible."