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1855 nevyzeráš, aleseš stará! Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 15.9.2020 (00:19:50)
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1855 nevyzeráš, aleseš stará!
22.8. 2020 6:06:06
bolsomfčéra fkrčme utrochkarafyjátoch avedľamójhostolýka sarosprávalyprjatelja uvýnka. mušchcalvostatným povedaťdačo osvejžene azačal, ževonapo 40cjatke...
atámudoteho tázavofskočyla:
"po 40cjatke???
noveťvedija, žesystará:
čo, javyzerámdobre anielen nasvójvek, japrostevyzerámskvele!!!
alepočúvajmadobre, jasomnepovedal, ževyzeráš staro, aležeseš stará!"
abysomklasu zakončylvobjektýfne, takmusýmspýsať, žejabysomsyvonej kolonevoprel.
1855 you don't look, but you're old!
I was at a pub with three carnations yesterday and my friends were talking by the wine next to my table. a man wanted to tell others about his wife and started that she was in her 40s ...
and she jumped at him questioningly:
"after 40 ???
but they know that you care:
What, I look good and not just for my age, I just look great !!!
but listen to me, I have not said that you look old, but that you are old! "
in order to finish the ear objectively, I have to write that I would not lean on my bike.