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1851 ženunepresvečýš Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 13.9.2020 (00:15:44)
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1851 ženunepresvečýš
18.8.2020 6:39:36
adnesbude zasaakofčera krátka. fpabe povedaltretídruhému:
"snažylsomsajej jednoduchýmy ajasnýmydvókasmypresvečyť, žetakakotovyzeralo, taktotaknaozajnebolo. avona ybalenpovedala:
1851 you can't convince a woman
and today it will be as short as yesterday. in the pub he said to the third, "
"I tried to convince her with simple and clear ambiguities that the way it looked, it really wasn't, and she just said:
but it could be!"