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1847 australaňky fsukninavostro Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 10.9.2020 (00:21:13)
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1847 australaňky fsukninavostro
14.8.2020 5:47:45
fčéramapovedal apendyx:
"helejejasné, žekeťniekomu dneskapovješ, žeaustralaňja choďja hlavúdole, takžetemu ušmáloktoverý.
polovycaľudej ešteverýtemu, žejezemplochá, žejo. alepretstáfsyteoretycky, hypotetyckyjó, žebysurobylďjéru skrszemegulu ašupoldonejrebrýk aljézolbysy cestenstred.
dobre, alevopomeňjeme, žebymatam bolotrochuteplo.
nojasne. tenrebrýkbybol frúre, ktorábyťa uťasnila... všetkoje ybateoretické. akobysyvlastne ftejaustrályjyvyljézol, kebysynemal žjadnumožnosťvotočky?
kebysom lesvotnás nohamadolu astálebysom ljézolrofnako, teda nohamadolu, takbysomtam pochopyteľnevyljézol týmanohamanapret, takžehore.
nohej, pretožebysy vlastneljézol stálerofnakýmsmerom, poprjamke. takžeaustralaňjanechodia akobyhlavúdole, alechoďjanohamyhore aftomjeten zásadnýrosďjél.
australaňkytak (afzátvorkachmam podľatejto apendyxovejteóryje) alesamozrejmenechoďja, lebobysanemohlyštrádovať fsukninavostro.
1847 Australian women in a sharp skirt
apendyx told me yesterday:
"Look, it's clear that when you tell someone today that Australians are going upside down, so few people believe it anymore.
and they don't walk like that?
half of the people still believe that the earth is flat, right. but imagine theoretically, hypothetically, that you would make a hole through the globe and slide a ladder into it and climb through that center.
okay, but let's forget I'm a little warm there.
sure. that ladder would be in an oven that would seal you ... everything is just theoretical. how would you actually climb in that australia if you had no way to turn?
if I climbed down from us and I would still climb the same way, that is, upside down, I would of course climb there with those feet forward, so up.
Well, hey, because you'd actually climb in the same direction all the time, in a straight line. so Australians do not go upside down, but walk upside down, and that is the fundamental difference.
Australian women do so (and I have them in parentheses according to this apendyx theory), but of course they don't walk, because they couldn't walk sharply in a skirt.