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Ve VAŠEM prostoru redakce Totemu nezodpovídá za obsah jednotlivých příspěvků.
Pokusný fyzik a matematik Newton
Autor: mystikus (Stálý) - publikováno 14.7.2013 (18:47:12)

are verified in observation as recorded in the discrepancies
of the moon's tables. I have traced some theoretical
effects of these terms of the order of magnitude of one
or two seconds of arc with periods of the order of a
month or a year, but I have not yet succeeded in hitting
on a term of a period long enough to aggregate an observable
effect, having regard to the state of the moon's
tables. We want periods of about 250 years.
If the above formula gives results which are discrepant
with observation, it would be quite possible with
my general theory of nature to adopt Einstein's formula,
based upon his differential equations, for the determination
of the gravitational field. They have however, as
initial assumptions, the disadvantage of being difficult
to solve and not linear. But it is purely a matter for
experiment to decide which formula gives the small
corrections which are observed in nature. So far as
matters stand at present both formulae give the motion
of Mercury's perihelion, my formula gives a possible shift
of the spectral lines dependent upon the structure of the
molecule and on the interplay of the gravitational and
electromagnetic fields, and lastly, assuming a well-known
modification of Maxwell's equations giving such an
interplay, the famous eclipse results follow^.
Alternative Laws of Gravitation. Perhaps neither of
the above formulae will survive further tests of other
delicate observations. In this event we are not at the
end of our resources. There are, in addition to Einstein's,
yet two other sets of tensor differential equations which
on the theory of nature explained in this lecture satisfy
all the general requirements. These requirements are,
(i) to have no arbitrary reference to any one particular
* In Part II the 'Lamb Effect' and the doubling or trebling of the
spectral lines are also deduced.


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